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Pixoto contest blunder



  • Official comment
    Pixoto Support

    Hi Paul, images have been disqualified. I apologize for delay in reply.

    Regards, Jasenka

  • Paul Drajem

    The images are even in the / NUDES & BOUDOIR Category


  • Pixoto Support

    Hello Paul, I forwarded this topic, as I also forwarded all your tickets to person that is handling Pixoto sponsored contests and also I forwarded all to the management.

    Regards, Jasenka

  • Johan Schmidt

    Hello Paul, you’re blocking me but I can still see your images. Why is that?

  • Paul Drajem

    I can see Yours  as well! You have to ask Pixoto For that answer

  • Pixoto Support

    Hi Paul and Johan, thank you for reporting issue with blocking. We will check this and correct it.
    Regards, Jasenka

  • Pixoto Support

    Hi Johan and Paul, I tested just now and I could not find where you can see each other's images. Can (either of) you please provide page where you can see each other's images?
    Regards, Jasenka

  • Johan Schmidt

    No, I really don’t mind if I see his images and I don’t mind if he sees mine. I only wish he could unblock me, so please don’t take any further action in this matter.

  • Pixoto Support

    Hi Johan, I would really like if you could provide page where you can see each other images? While you do not mind, some other users might, and we would really like to fix this (because if you blocked you shouldn't be able to see other person images).
    Regards, Jasenka

  • Johan Schmidt

    I have not blocked Paul, he has blocked me. I don’t mind if I see his images and I don’t mind if he sees mine. As a mather of fact, he has submitted images to one of my latest contests. I don’t mind that either, just wandering how that is possibly when he is blocking me.

  • Johan Schmidt

    Well Paul, allthough you are blocking me you submit images to my contests. I don’t know how that is possibly but I think you have to withdraw your images from my contests or stop blocking me.

  • Paul Drajem

    Dear Jasenka,

    I would be delighted to moderate Pixoto-sponsored contests. Given the current moderator of your site has encountered a few challenges, I believe I could be of assistance. If this is something you find of interest, please do not hesitate to contact me. We can continue this discussion further.

    Thank you.


  • Paul Drajem

    Jasenka, Please do not include me in Johan's reporting of an issue with blocking. It appears that he is the one with the issue, not me. Any further correspondence should be directed toward Johan and not myself regarding this matter.

  • Pixoto Support

    Hi Paul, you did wrote here that you can see Johan's images (3 days ago). I would just like to know where you can see each other's images so we can fix this (I tried to find where is that possible but wasn't able to find page where you can see each other images).
    Thank you for offering to moderate Pixoto-sponsored contests. We made some changes but we will keep in mind your offer also.
    Regards, Jasenka

  • Johan Schmidt

    There’s no way that Paul Drajem is fit to be a moderater on this community. Obviously!

  • Paul Drajem

    Pixoto Support Thank you for your consideration I look forward to working with you in the future.


  • Pixoto Support

    Since this conversation has nothing to do with why topic was opened, I will close it for comments.
    Johan and Paul, if you continue replying to each other (in any topic) or write about each other here in community, your posts will be deleted without explanation.

    This should be place for helping users, and not private battleground between 2 person.

    You blocked each other on Pixoto, so please behave the same here, like other person doesn't exist.
    Thank you for understanding.
    Regards, Jasenka


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