Yo, management!
It happens frequently now that a titled image remains untitled. Today I had to delete one of my images and submit it again to be able to set a title. And I know that happened to more contributors than me. Would you please look unto this matter and correct it?
Official comment
Hello Johan,
Thanks for the screenshot. We will look into getting this fixed. In the meantime, have you tried rotating the iPad to the landscape view so that the screen is wider?
Pixoto Engineering
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Hi Johan, thank you for information, we will check it.
I have just now tried and uploaded image with title without any issues (title stayed). Is there specific situation when image remains untitled?
You are aware you can edit image ("Edit" button on imagedetail page) to add title, you don't need to delete it and re-publish it.
Regards, Jasenka0 -
Nope! The one with no title is impossible to edit…
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And ask Liz Pascal. She reported this problem in one of my contests.
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It now turns out that more and more of my images are loosing their title and they can’t be edited.
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Hi Johan, I'm not sure what you mean that images can not be edited.
You can not click on “Edit” button, or change doesn't save after you make a change?
Regards, Jasenka
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I can click the edit button, then the images shows in a new window but I can’t edit anything.
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My oldest image with a lost title was submitted on november 25 last year. Since then I’ve lost about 50 titles. I’ve tried to edit plenty of them but i didn’t manage. And don’t forget ask Liz Pascal.
And now I’have noticed an intresting detail. When i open one of my images with lost title from ”my images” there’s only my name beside the picture of me. Nothing else. When I open the same image in the Leaderbord the word ”untitled” appears above my name…0 -
Hi Johan, can you please let me know exactly what happens when you try to edit image? What do you mean you didn't manage? You didn't manage see fields on Edit page? You didn't manage to enter title into field? You didn't manage to save changes?
Can you please be specific? Screenshot would be great with reason why you didn't manage to edit image (video would be even greater).
I have just now tried to edit dozen images and didn't have any issues, so determining what is the reason you are unable to edit your images is one step forward in our tech fixing issue.
Regards, Jasenka0 -
As I said, when i click the edit-button the image opens i a new window but tbete is no way to edit anything…
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Can you please provide screenshot of what you see when you open “Edit” page?
Regards, Jasenka0 -
This is the view after I pressed the edit-button. Nothing to see here…
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I look at the images on my 24 inch wide screen computer. Its the same there. And on the iPad as wide screen.
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Thank you for the screenshot Johan, I forwarded it to our tech to be checked and corrected.
Regards, Jasenka0 -
Hi Johan, are you zoomed in? If you are please try at 100% browser and please let me know.
Regards, Jasenka
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I think you managed to fix it. Today it works to edit and write new titles for the lost ones. I hope the problems with lost titles is gone too.
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Hi Johan, we didn't change anything since you wrote this. There were no updates.
Regards, Jasenka0 -
Well, today it is the same problem. I can’t edit the images. I think you have a serious bug here and it’s rather unpredictible.
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Hi Johan, are you zoomed in? If you are please try at 100% browser and please let me know. Regards, Jasenka
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