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Slow duelling




  • Official comment
    Pixoto Support

    Hi Johan,

    The ultimate number of votes that an image gets is dependent on its early dueling history. The more early wins an image has the higher its ImageScore will go and the more duels it will ultimately receive. The highest rated unpaused images on the site will end up with four times (or more) duels than the lowest. After the first 50 duels or so the change in ImageScore with each additional duel slows down. Essentially the first 50 or so duels define the approximate area of the leaderboard an image should be and the remaining duels refine that placement. We are primarily focused on refining the scores of the top image – which is the reason for the disproportionate number of duels to those types of images.

    Our algorithms try to get new images up to the same level of votes as other images on the site as fast as possible. Sometimes this takes just days – sometimes it can take a month or more. After an image reaches the same level of votes as other images with a similar ImageScore the image will only rarely be put in new duels.
    That being said, since you are Pro subscriber, your images will not get paused untill 100 duels are cast. When that will be it is hard to say, but better the image is quicker the votes will come. Whatever the case is, your 100 guaranteed duels will be added to images.
    Regards, Jasenka

  • Johan Schmidt

    Another 16 days are gone and still not a single image has reached the garanteed 100 duels since september 2.

  • Pixoto Support

    Hi Johan, I checked your images and none of them (since you bought Pro subscription) is paused if it has less then 100 duels.

    Please note that images submitted in Uncategorized category are not eligible for the guaranteed 100 PRO votes - as you can see here:

    As said before, since you are Pro subscriber, your images (that you uploaded after you bought Pro subscription) will not get paused untill 100 duels are cast. When that will be it is hard to say, but better the image is quicker the votes will come. Whatever the case is, your 100 guaranteed duels will be added to images.
    Regards, Jasenka

  • Eduard Andrica

    Unfortunatelly, even an awarded image needs more than 2 months to get 100 votes



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