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Image information text




  • Official comment
    Pixoto Support

    Hi Paul, I'm sorry for the lengthly delay in reply.

    Can you please provide screenshot of what you see?
    I also have dark theme and have no problem reading EXIF information.

    I will forward this to the management.

  • Judy Rosanno

    I'm not sure why this wasn't addressed, but I agree with Paul. It would be helpful if all the exif data for images was published in a white font rather that the light gray that is mostly used. Why are only the make, camera and lens in white ink, but everything else is in a gray that is very difficult to see?

  • Michael Moore

    I think this maybe because you have your screens set to Dark Theme. It is not a problem using the Light Theme setting.

    This can be altered from the drop down menu under your thumbnail image at the top right hand corner on your feed screen.


  • Paul Drajem

    Michael Moore, Okay using the light theme it's fine but I prefer to use the dark theme, so can you have your web designer people change the text so it's brighter in the dark theme? As this is the theme that I prefer which I'm sure a lot of other people prefer also. So how hard can it be to change the text color to bright white? It used to be very visible before you guys changed things on the website so just simply put it back.

  • Judy Rosanno

    Paul, Michael is a user, just like us. He was just being helpful. I'm glad to know that I can toggle back and forth between light and dark. I still agree with you that it would be better if they change that font on the dark theme. I do like the dark theme better, too. We still haven't had anyone from Pixoto respond to this stream.


  • Paul Drajem

    Someone in support must've changed it because now I can see everything in white lettering no problem.

  • Pixoto Support

    Hi Paul, yes, it is already canged.

  • Judy Rosanno

    Thank you Pixoto Support!



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